Astrology & Spiritual

Saturn Returns: The Three Distinct Chapters in Life

According to ancient astrological lore, life is measured in 3 distinct chapters. The first 30 year chapter is essentially childhood - we are learning about the world and our place in it. This chapter is a defining one as the way we learn to see the world, is the world...
The Stone of Storms – Pietersite

The Stone of Storms – Pietersite

Pietersite – also known as the tempest stone or ‘stone of storms’ can be utilised during times of turbulence in your life.

By introducing this crystal into your auric field by way of jewellery (or placing some in your pocket) you invite its vibration into yourself and begin to benefit from the energies it represents.

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In search of the beyul

In search of the beyul

According to ancient Tibetan lore, there exist in the world special places where the spiritual realm and the physical realm overlap. These most sacred places are known as ‘beyul’ meaning ‘secret or hidden lands’.

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