Read: Bay Leaf Magic: How to Manifest your Wishes

Bay Leaf Magic
January 12, 2021

Bay leaf is a powerful herb useful for manifestation, prosperity, protection, cleansing, and even psychic development. The ancient priestesses of Apollo chewed bay leaves to induce a prophetic state and inhaled the burning fumes of Bay for this purpose also.

You can use this easily available herb to bring more magic into your life and to begin consciously participating in creating the life you want.

Of course burning or wishing on bay is not enough in and of itself to create dramatic change in your world, but combined with conscious intention and action it will create a powerful current of energy directed by you towards a specific outcome.

* To manifest a wish, take a large dried bay leaf (available in the dry herb section of any supermarket) and write upon it in pen what you would like to manifest: financial abundance, new work opportunities, a fulfilling social life, an exciting love affair etc. Once you have written what you want, hold the bay leaf in your hand and take a moment to focus on feeling what it is you would like to manifest. Visualise it in your mind and begin to feel it as though it is already happening to you. Allow the feeling to build inside you, to begin to overwhelm you – and then send that energy down your arm and into the bay leaf itself. Take as long as you need. When you feel ready, carefully set fire to the bay leaf to release the energy and your intention. Watch the burning smoke carry your wish out into the universe.
Note – this process can be done at any time, but it is especially powerful to perform this ritual on a new moon.

* To increase your psychic gifts, try sleeping with a bay leaf under your pillow at night. This will work to heighten your psychic senses (Clairvoyance etc), as well as promote vivid dreams, dream recall, and increase your connection to the astral plane helping to facilitate astral travel.

* Protect and cleanse your space by burning bay leaf (this makes a good addition to sage) and/or placing a leaf or two near your doors or windows to ward off unwanted people or negative energy.

Ruling planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine

Explore your inner magic

If you would like to explore your own inner magic more deeply, you might be interested to have your astrological birth chart read. Find out more here. 


  1. Kekrosenuo Luho

    i have been doing bay leaf ritual every night at 11:11 pm and have decide to burn bay leaf for one wish for atleast 11 to 21 days. is that fine? so specifically i have done one wish for 3 night consecutively with great focus and affirmation burning an incense and cleansing the bay leaf and play a wish fulfillment reiki healing on youtube repeat the affirmations and visualise for 11 to 21 nights and exactly at the time mentioned. Am I doing it right?

    • Benjamin-admin

      This is ok also Kekrosenuo – just make sure that the motivation to repeat the wish so many times isn’t masking an underlying belief that it won’t happen. Doing it purposefully once should be enough to plant your cosmic seed. Additional rituals can build increased energy, but be mindful of the above point so that you don’t undermine your work. Good luck!

  2. Jen

    Can I perform this in waxing moon phase (I’m around 4 days away from a full moon? Also, should I write the wish as if I’ve already achieved it or in future tense(eg. I have got the job OR I will get the job)?

    • Benjamin-admin

      Hi Jen, waxing moons are fine for this type of spell work. You can write in an affirmative tone of voice as you suggest, but I would be inclined to keep it open in terms of where you work – ie: wish for a job that brings you happiness, financial reward and fulfilment rather than a specific role and a specific company so that there is lots of room for the universe to bering you something wonderful 🙂

  3. Anuja Kothekar

    Can I keep my bay leaf with me some days and then burn it?
    What will be effect of it?

    • Benjamin-admin

      its no problem – the key is your level of connection, emotion, attention and focus when you decide to burn it.

  4. Marites

    I love reading your blog post…

  5. Alex Merrill

    I sat down to manifest something but I decided I didn’t have anything I need to manifest. I wrote instead “I am grateful for everything that I have” but I don’t know what to do with it now. I’m afraid I’ll do something horribly wrong if I dispose of it the wrong way, like for some reason I’m nervous that I’ll lose everything I have. am I overthinking things? what should I do if I want to dispose of this leaf without changing anything?

    • Benjamin-admin

      Hi Alex, I would recommend burning your bay leaf and focussing on all the gratitude you feel for your life as you do it – like a thank you to the universe for looking after you

  6. Melissa

    do you have to burn the bay leaf need an answer ASAP please

    • Benjamin-admin

      Burning the leaf releases the energy. But you can carry a bay leaf in your purse/wallet for increased abundance

    • Koko Jemis

      Hello 👋 I did my ritual under a gibbous moon because I was a little confused about what a full moon and gibbous moon is. My question is, is it okay to repeat the ritual under a full moon please?

      • Benjamin-admin

        yes, no problem with doing that

  7. Subashini

    How many days to take for other wish write

    • Benjamin-admin

      Try to focus your attention on single wishes as much as possible Subashini – too many wishes dilutes the energy. Focus is the key. See my previous comments on this for more info

      • rimjhim

        My favourite actor is going through tough time. He’s unhappy, his luck is very weak, the film industry wants to sabotage him. Can I do bayleaf ritual in this case, to manifest happiness and protection for him? Please answer ASAP

        • Benjamin-admin

          no, this is not appropriate – as per previous replies on this thread, doing magic on behalf of others without their consent – even with best intentions – may not be in keeping wit their highest good and soul lessons

  8. Sonali

    At what time of the day/night should we burn the bay leaves ?

    • Benjamin-admin

      Hi Sonali, generally speaking the veil between worlds is considered thin at dusk and dawn, so either of these times are good for this kind of work. If you are familiar with Astrology you can use the days or the week and specific hours of the day that are linked to planets with rulership over the type of wish you are making (Venus for love, Jupiter for abundance etc). If not, just go for dusk or dawn 🙂

  9. Phai

    So I burn multiple bay leads with different manifestations on them?

    • Benjamin-admin

      yes you can Phai, but it is much better to be focussed on things that you are deeply passionate about. One or two at a time should be enough. Burning a leaf for a bunch of general things will dilute the energy. Focus is the key.

  10. Situmbeko

    Can I put a bay leaf in my wallet for money luck

    • Benjamin-admin

      yes you can do this Situmbeko – a small piece of citrine also works well for manifesting wealth!

  11. Chaithra R

    How may times you should u do this to manifest one wish?

    • Benjamin-admin

      One time should be enough. Perform the ritual and then release it to the universe. Trust that it will occur if it is in your highest good for it to do so. If you feel the need to do it too often, it likely means that you are holding a subconscious belief that ‘its not happening’ which is actually cancelling out the original intention. The more we worry about something (not happening) the stronger this message is to the universe. It is like praying for the outcome we don’t wish to create! Perform the ritual once, and allow things to take their natural course.

  12. Jayanti

    Can I write down 2 wishes at a time in a bat leaf?? is it possible? Or it effect good? Both wishes fulfilled or not??? kindly respond thanks in advance.

    • Benjamin-admin

      Hi Jayanti, I would recommend concentrating on one wish per Bay Leaf. Magic is a largely a result of your focussed intention and as such a single focus is better than splitting it between two outcomes. Visualising the outcome you are seeking as though it has already taken place is important and this difficult with more than one wish at a time. I would suggest that if you have two wishes you will achieve better results if you do seperate rituals for each – and to perform the ritual on a new/waxing moon. Goodluck!

    • Sakshi

      If I will do on full moon like put a leaf under my pillow on full moon day then when to burn the leaf??

      Next day?

      • Benjamin-admin

        Thats fine too Sakshi. Traditionally, the full moon is about manifestation of our desires/wishes/outcomes and the new moon is good for planting the seeds you wish to manifest.But do whatever feels right to you – and let us know how you go!

      • Samruddhi

        What happens if we don’t dispose the Ash of the Burned leaves properly? My housemaid disposed off the Ash and cleaned my fire proof bowl without my knowledge as she thought it was burned food or something. I’m worried about the spells now. I burned the leaves properly though

        • Benjamin-admin

          No problem – the ashes aren’t the key to the spell, it’s your intention and focus at the time that matters most

  13. Challa Bharathi

    To get back

    • Benjamin-admin

      Challa, you would be better to focus your manifestation and wish on ‘a love/person that makes me feel amazing’ or something similar – rather than trying to bring someone back to you that may have decided to move on from the relationship for their own reasons. Asking for love without attaching it to a specific person is in keeping with universal laws whereas trying to influence someone against their wishes or without their permission is not. Goodluck 🙂

    • Moira

      what happens if you accidentally don’t finish burning a bay leave pls answer ASAP

      • Benjamin-admin

        Hi Challa, it’s best if you burn the whole leaf. If you did not, repeat the ritual and make sure you are very present throughout.

        • Aarti

          Can you please guide me on how to write a wish on leaf

          • Benjamin-admin

            just use a pen with a fine point to allow for easier writing on such a small surface

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